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First words from Erden Timur, who resigned from Galatasaray: There is always an open door.

First words from Erden Timur, who resigned from Galatasaray: There is always an open door.

11.06.2024 15:20

Erden Timur, who resigned from his position at Galatasaray, made important statements in a live broadcast. When asked if he would return to his position at Galatasaray, Timur replied, "Everyone has such things in their hearts for the future. There is always an open door."

Erden Timur, who has resigned from his position at Galatasaray, made statements about his own business and the yellow-reds on CNBC-e.


Timur, who made statements about Galatasaray, said, "We had a very good process with Galatasaray, but it has always been like that. It will continue like that anyway. I will do my best in every way. We have our own business, we have business abroad. We have studies related to public offering. We have studies related to new projects. We will start talking about them. We have a lot to do because we have been away for a while. This time we will focus on them." he said.


Answering the question of whether he will return to duty at Galatasaray in the future, Erden Timur said, "The subject somehow comes to Galatasaray. The best days in life, I describe it like that. Millions of people want to be in your place. It is something that needs to be grateful for every moment. I remember it with beautiful things. There are difficulties but it went very well. There are such things in everyone's heart for the future. There is always an open door." he used expressions.

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