18.07.2024 18:50
Ibrahim Hacıosmanoğlu, who won the presidency election in the TFF with a difference of 5 votes, made his first statement. Hacıosmanoğlu, stating that they will solve the problems together with the families of football, said, "Our burden is heavy, our responsibility is great, but our principles are clear. We will manage football in a fair and just manner. Football has been in chaos in recent times. I haven't won anything. Turkish football has won," he said.
TFF'de Mehmet Büyükekşi and İbrahim Hacıosmanoğlu arasında gerçekleştirilen başkanlık seçimini İbrahim Hacıosmanoğlu kazandı. Hacıosmanoğlu, seçim zaferinin ardından konuştu.
İşte İbrahim Hacıosmanoğlu'nun ilk sözleri;
"First, we will spread brotherhood. We will not rush things. We will not say "we are the federation, if you obey the rules". We will solve the problems of football together with the football families.
Our burden is heavy, our responsibility is great, but our principles are clear. We will manage football in a fair and just manner. We will solve the problems with the consensus of the entire football family. When we started the journey with President Mecnun, we took off our jerseys. Football has been in chaos in recent times.
I had two small pieces of paper in my hand, and I spoke from my heart. People love me for that reason."