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Flight operations have been suspended in the country threatened by Israel, and a warning has been issued by Iran: It may lead to unforeseen consequences.

Flight operations have been suspended in the country threatened by Israel, and a warning has been issued by Iran: It may lead to unforeseen consequences.

28.07.2024 19:30

Tension is rising in the region following the rocket attack on the Golan Heights by Hezbollah in Lebanon, which resulted in the death of 12 Israelis. After the statement by Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz, saying "we are preparing for a full-scale war against Hezbollah and Lebanon," Lebanese airlines have postponed some flights to Beirut until morning. Iran has also warned Israel that "engaging in a new adventure could lead to unforeseen consequences."

Tension is rising between Israel and Lebanon. Following the attack by Hezbollah in Lebanon on Israel, which resulted in casualties, Israel declared war. Middle East Airlines (MEA), owned by the Lebanese government, announced that it has postponed some flights to Beirut until tomorrow morning.

The statement regarding MEA's flights was shared by the official Lebanese news agency NNA.

Flights suspended in the country threatened by Israel, warning from Iran: Can lead to unforeseen consequences


The statement stated that MEA has postponed some flights to Beirut International Airport from tonight until tomorrow morning. The statement, which did not provide details about the reason for the postponement, stated that flights will resume from the morning of July 29.


It was announced that 12 people, including children, were killed and 35 people were seriously injured in a rocket attack on a football field in Mecdel Shams in the Golan Heights, which is under Israeli occupation. The Israeli army stated that the rocket was fired from the north of the Shaba village in southern Lebanon, stating that Hezbollah in Lebanon was responsible.

Flights suspended in the country threatened by Israel, warning from Iran: Can lead to unforeseen consequences

Lebanon's Hezbollah denied the allegations that they were behind the attack in Mecdel Shams, stating that they had no connection to the incident. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in his statement regarding the attack, "Israel will not overlook this deadly attack. Hezbollah will pay a heavy price that it has not paid before."


Meanwhile, it was claimed that the missile was fired from the Iron Dome, the air defense system of the Israeli army, shortly after the warning sirens sounded in Mecdel Shams. A resident of the region who wanted to remain anonymous stated in his statement to AA that the explosion occurred immediately after the alarm sounded and it was seen that the missile came from the Jebel Sheikh region where the Iron Dome batteries are located. Similarly, a correspondent for Doha-based Al-Arabi television reported that the idea that the missile was fired from the Iron Dome emerged among the local people due to the direction it came from and the delay in the warning siren.

Flights suspended in the country threatened by Israel, warning from Iran: Can lead to unforeseen consequences

Iran warned that Israel's involvement in a new adventure after the attack in Mecdel Shams in the Golan Heights could lead to unforeseen consequences. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasir Kenani stated in a written statement, "Any ignorant action by the Zionist regime can lead to instability, insecurity, and expansion of the scope of war in the region." Kenani stated that Israel is trying to divert the attention of the international community from the crimes it commits in Palestine with a fake scenario and commented, "The Zionist regime has no minimum moral authority to comment on and judge the incident that took place in the Mecdel Shams region, and its claims against others will not be heard." Kenani stated that Israel will be responsible for "unforeseen consequences and reactions" against such foolish behavior and called on the US to stop the Zionist regime before starting a new fire in the region.


The UN Security Council Resolution 1701 calls for Israel to withdraw behind the Blue Line and for the disarmament of the region between this line and the Litani River in Lebanon, allowing only the Lebanese army and the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) to have weapons and military equipment. Almost all of the areas between the Litani River in southern Lebanon and the Blue Line defined as the border with Israel have been under the strong military influence of Hezbollah since 2000.

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