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Germany Calls For Upholding Libya Arms Embargo

17.07.2020 17:27

This comes after al Sisi's latest threat to arm some of Libyan tribes against internationally recognized government.

Germany on Friday stressed the need to uphold the Libyan arms embargo in the wake of the latest threats by Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to arm some of the Libyan tribes against the internationally recognized government.

Speaking at a regular news briefing in Berlin, Christofer Burger, a deputy spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, made clear that the Libyan arms embargo "applied to all sides."

The German diplomat called for an "immediate end" to foreign military support for the conflict parties in civil-war stricken Libya.

Al-Sisi met on Thursday with the heads of Libyan tribes in the Egyptian capital Cairo, where he threatened that Egypt "will not stand aside" in the face of increased military mobilization near the city of Sirte in northern Libya.

Speaking to Al Jazeera, Libyan Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammed Al-Qablawi criticized a recent statement by al-Sisi as "blatant interference in Libyan internal affairs."

"Al-Sisi's talk is a repeat of his previous statements, which is a blatant interference in Libyan affairs," he said, adding that the Egyptian president's speech was "not aimed at peace as he said, but it is he who is fueling the [Libyan] conflict."

Meanwhile, the Libyan High Council of State condemned al-Sisi's call to arm the Libyan tribes, saying it would trigger more fighting and division in the country.

In June, al-Sisi suggested Cairo could launch "external military missions" into Libya, saying "any direct intervention in Libya has already become legitimate internationally."

Al-Sisi said the city of Sirte and the al-Jufra airbase were their "red line," calling on his army to "be prepared to carry out any domestic or cross-border missions."

Since April 2019, Haftar's illegitimate forces have launched attacks on the Libyan capital of Tripoli and other parts of northwestern Libya, resulting in more than 1,000 deaths, including civilian women and children.

That notwithstanding, the Libyan government has lately achieved significant military victories, pushing Haftar's forces out of Tripoli and the strategic city of Tarhuna. -

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