A legal process has been initiated in Turkey, after the USA, against Apple for the claim that the voice assistant technology 'Siri' violates users' privacy.
Apple, a technology company from the USA, agreed to a settlement in a class action lawsuit filed in the USA, accepting to pay 95 million dollars for the claim that the voice assistant technology 'Siri' violates users' privacy.
The famous actress Gupse Özay's father, 52-year lawyer Senih Özay, has initiated a legal battle through his lawyer Murat Fatih Ülkü, arguing that "the Turkish people also have rights, fundamental rights and freedoms, and the right to privacy." His lawyer Murat Fatih Ülkü brought the issue to the Konak Consumer Problems Arbitration Committee as the first step of the legal process on January 13. Explaining the reason for filing the lawsuit, Senih Özay stated, "In America, the court awarded compensation in a case brought by those who believe that Siri can record, store, and use conversations in advertisements or sell them. They made a 95 million dollar protocol. I am a lawyer with 52 years of experience. There is a possibility that my conversations may be recorded and unlawfully used. Just like in America, accountability should be sought in Turkey as well."
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