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Hadise fired back at the journalist who said "I would eat Beren": Harassment of women, invasion of privacy.

Hadise fired back at the journalist who said

27.06.2024 21:32

Successful singer Hadise reacted to a reporter who said "I would eat this Beren" about Beren Saat, who was photographed in a bikini, by saying "Harassment towards women, invasion of privacy. I am not obligated to give interviews or make statements about these disgusting thoughts."

Last days, the words of a press member who captured Beren Saat while she was swimming with her husband Kenan Doğulu caused a commotion. The channel that published the video initiated an investigation, and singer Hadise also reacted to the incident.


Hadise, who did not remain silent about the ugly words said about Beren Saat, shared the video of the incident on her Instagram account and said, "This is harassment against women! This is violation of privacy. I am not obliged to give interviews or make statements about these filthy thoughts. When you ask again why Hadise does not speak to the media, remember this video. I exempt all workers who do their job properly and ethically".

Hadise lashes out at the press member who said 'I would eat this Beren': Harassment against women, violation of privacy


In the footage broadcasted on Ekol TV, a reporter who saw Beren Saat swimming said, "I would eat Beren". With the spread of the footage, reactions followed. The channel made a statement after the footage became a topic of discussion, saying, "An investigation has been initiated within the institution regarding the employees who prepared the news."

The reporter mentioned in the incident, Uğur Kotan, made a statement on his Instagram account yesterday, saying, "I have been calmly following the defamation campaign against me for two days. It is quite clear in the shared video that I did not say the words mentioned in the news. I also warned the person who said it by saying 'shut up' and tried to explain that he should be careful about the words he said... All of these are evident in the video I shared. Despite being subjected to so much unjust insult for two days, I am also watching with astonishment the relevant institution and its reporter who pretends to be dead. Legal action will be taken regarding all false news and insults made about me without investigating the truth of the incident."

Hadise lashes out at the press member who said 'I would eat this Beren': Harassment against women, violation of privacy

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