It has emerged that approximately 50 cats and dogs waiting for a home at the Animal Rehabilitation Center belonging to the Gebze Municipality were poisoned with drugs and killed, shocking everyone. This incident, which raises questions of conscience, has caused a significant uproar on social media, and many famous personalities have reacted to the massacre, with Hande Yener particularly not leaving the issue alone for a moment. In the past hours, two famous individuals set out for Gebze to protest the events. Joining the large crowd there, Yener made striking statements while fighting tirelessly for the nearly 50 animals that were killed. 'THE WORD ANIMAL IS A COMPLIMENT TO ME'The famous singer stated in her speech, 'I have been ashamed to be human for 2 months; the word animal is a compliment to me. I wish I could be as emotional as an animal. I do not forgive those who act helplessly towards them.'