The semi-final match of the Spanish Super Cup, hosted by Saudi Arabia, was shaken by a harassment scandal. In the match played at King Abdullah Sports, the wives of the players were photographed without permission and later harassed. THEY ANNOUNCED AFTER THE MATCHKristina Palavra, the wife of Real Mallorca player Dani Rodriguez, announced after the match that she and Natali, the wife of Dominik Greif, were harassed at the King Abdullah Sports City Stadium in Saudi Arabia. "WE EXPERIENCED DIFFICULT MOMENTS ON THE WAY OUT"According to a report in Sözcü, Kristina Palavra, who described the events that occurred after the match, stated, "We had a hard time on the way out. We were with our children, and no security measures were taken. Some men in the stadium took close-up photos of us and harassed us. Natali experienced the same situation." Palavra expressed that they felt a great sense of insecurity due to the lack of anyone to defend them on the way out, saying, "We exited as a group with the organization, but we couldn't do much. We barely reached the bus. We escaped from there with great difficulty." SEVERE HARASSMENT ALLEGATIONSPere, one of the Real Mallorca fans who went to Saudi Arabia to watch the match, described the events in more detail. In a statement to Cadena COPE radio, he expressed that there were very few Mallorca fans in the stadium and that security measures were insufficient. "THEY ENGAGED IN PHYSICAL INTERVENTION"Pere recounted the incidents as follows: "They placed us in the same section as the local fans. They constantly mocked us and provoked us throughout the match. On the way to the bus after the match, we were caught among hundreds of people. They took photos without permission and engaged in physical intervention. But the worst was what the women experienced. The women were photographed and physically harassed without their consent." SECURITY WEAKNESS DRAWS REACTIONFollowing the incidents, the security weaknesses in the organization received serious criticism. The inability to adequately ensure the safety of families and female fans drew significant backlash. Calls were made for officials to provide explanations regarding this incident and to increase security measures.