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Harsh words from Bilal Erdoğan about Fatih Altaylı: Immoral man was licking the soldiers' boots.

Harsh words from Bilal Erdoğan about Fatih Altaylı: Immoral man was licking the soldiers' boots.

16.09.2024 07:40

The President of the World Ethnosport Confederation, Bilal Erdogan, used striking statements about journalist Fatih Altayli. Erdogan said, "Before the AK Party, Turkey was more peaceful, more orderly... It is said that we have been ruined for 20 years. This is a betrayal that the world history has never seen. Friends, this immoral man called Fatih Altayli used to lick the boots of soldiers. When the soldiers said 'Stand up,' he would stand up, and when they said 'Lie down,' he would lie down."

The President of the World Ethnosports Confederation, Bilal Erdogan, attended the "Human Rights Education Camp" organized by the AK Party Central Human Rights Directorate in Kartepe district of Kocaeli and had a conversation with young people.

Speaking about technology and artificial intelligence, Erdogan said, "There used to be many people sitting at the computer. We used to call them 'trolls', but now there is no need for them to employ so many trolls. Because artificial intelligence can automatically create profiles with certain words. There are people in Turkey who work on these studies in every field, but the winner is always the owner of the platform. They disconnect from the realities of the world in our sterile information environment and try to create Turkey's realities. What is this? They say 'There is a housing problem in Turkey'. They create a public opinion that there is a housing problem in Turkey. You would think that these problems have been solved in developed countries and there is such a problem in Turkey. If you do a little more research and look at the numbers, you will see that the dormitory facilities provided by the state in Turkey are not available anywhere else in the world," he said.


Bilal Erdogan, who said that he lived in America for 10 years and in Italy for 5 years, said, "I had the opportunity to know other countries because we have collaborations with other universities. The monthly dormitory fee, including meals, is 855 lira. Including meals. We hold a tender for meals at our university. We try to do it at the lowest price. We received an offer of 160 lira for one meal, and those who heard it said 'That's great'. When one meal costs 160 lira, if you eat one meal a day for 30 days, it becomes 4,800 lira. There is no breakfast. Add breakfast to that, it becomes 5-6 thousand lira. The state provides monthly dormitory services for 855 lira, including meals. America is a country without a welfare state. There is no such thing in America. In America, the state provides students with credit opportunities. We have scholarships and loans," he said.


Bilal Erdogan, President of the World Ethnosports Confederation, continued his words as follows: "Many topics that you have learned at the camp are actually not known by many people, not advertised well, rights granted to disabled people, bringing patients from abroad by plane, opportunities provided to children without parents in the health sector, which are the requirements of the welfare state understanding, etc. These children are kept in great secrecy so that they are not abused. A heartbreaking incident occurs, and the public is distracted for a month. This issue is done only to target the government, to undermine the foundation of trust in the country, to serve the restlessness and anxiety of people. An alternative reality hostile to this country is being created."


Bilal Erdogan, who said "We have a very irresponsible media," gave examples from Korean dramas and said, "Korean dramas promote hard work, family values, and respect for elders. What do our dramas convey to the audience? Immorality, intrigue, no respect for elders, deception, getting rich quickly. Can such a thing be possible? How do we accept this? How can we fight against it? When the state tries to do something, it becomes a censor. When America banned TikTok, it didn't become a censor, but when the state intervened in TV series in Turkey, it became 'religious, reactionary, censor'. Open our TVs, news channels. I don't watch the news, I don't watch TV because it's useless. Does anyone benefit from who killed whom, who robbed whom, where the car crashed? Does it benefit anyone? Imagine a child accidentally watching an abuse news on the TV screen. Is this normal? These are our real problems. These are national security issues. These are the things that pour kerosene into the foundation of a society and blow up all its healthy foundations. Currently, what the media in Turkey fuels is distrust, what the opposition fuels is distrust. 'We are finished, we are ruined, we are bad in this way, we are bad in that way. Everything is bad in us, everything is good elsewhere,' is it true? No, it's not," he said.


Bilal Erdogan also made a statement about the Retirement Age Barrier regulation, saying, "They did the same with EYT. Those who promoted EYT said to the young people, 'If EYT is implemented, many people will retire. Young people will enter the job vacancies left by them.' Did that happen? Were the young people deceived? Yes, they were deceived. The young people did not create a public opinion against EYT. Think about the things related to those who cannot be appointed that are circulating on social media right now. Have you seen a hashtag saying 'Young people against EYT'? The young people missed this, the young people were deceived here. I also qualified for EYT, despite being against it. People aged 42-45 retired. Who will pay their pensions? You will pay. You will pay the pensions of early retirees throughout your working life. Were we deceived? Yes, we were deceived. EYT was a major disaster. These became possible with this dirty understanding of opposition and the pressure on politics to populism. If EYT is bad, if it is wrong, there must be a generation that can say that it is wrong. That 43-year-old retiree will receive that pension until he dies. Let's think of something better, let's propose an alternative," he said.


Criticizing Fatih Altayli, Erdogan said, "'Before the AK Party, Turkey was more peaceful, more prosperous, fairer, and so on. We have been ruined for 20 years' is being said. This is a betrayal that the world history has never seen. There cannot be such heartlessness. Friends, this so-called Fatih Altayli was licking the boots of the soldiers. When the soldiers said 'Stand up', he stood up, when they said 'Lie down', he lay down. Now, when someone else says 'Lie down', he lies down, when someone says 'Stand up', he stands up, but he goes around as a journalist, and his videos are watched. Let them talk about the 90s. Let them say 'We were scared of the soldiers'. Let them say 'We were the slaves of tutelage, the dogs of tutelage'. Let them say it. Turkey is freer than ever, friends. Turkey is stronger than ever, a country that makes its own decisions. A country that has a claim worldwide," he said.

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