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He experienced the shock of his life at the doctor he went to for a hernia! It turns out he was born this way.

He experienced the shock of his life at the doctor he went to for a hernia! It turns out he was born this way.

21.09.2024 16:10

A woman named Nurcan Avcı, who lives in İzmir, experienced the shock of her life at the hospital where she went for complaints of a herniated disc. She learned that she was born with only one kidney and that there was a mass in her healthy kidney, putting her remaining kidney at risk of being removed.


Nurcan Avcı, who went to the hospital in İzmir for a herniated disc, learned that she was born with a single kidney when she went for an MRI. The woman, who found a mass in her healthy kidney, experienced great sadness when she learned that there was a risk of her kidney being removed. Living in İzmir, Nurcan Avcı experienced shock after shock at the hospital she went to for treatment.

Diagnosed with a herniated disc in 2012, 35-year-old Avcı went to the doctor four years later to learn about developments related to her condition.

At the request of her doctor, Avcı underwent an MRI. The doctor, reviewing the MRI results, stated that the patient had lived with a single kidney since birth because one of her kidneys was very small. Years later, when the patient underwent another MRI, a mass was found in her single kidney this time.

After being told that the mass was benign, two embolization procedures were performed. However, the mass continued to grow. Having seen numerous doctors, Avcı regained her health through a 2-hour minimally invasive operation performed by Urology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Şahan.

Sharing the process she went through due to the illness in her kidney, Nurcan Avcı said, "I learned that I had a single kidney in 2012, and I learned about the illness in my kidney in 2016. I was referred to interventional radiology, and two embolization procedures were performed. After that, this benign mass continued to grow again.

The doctors I visited said that my kidney needed to be removed and that due to the risks, my entire kidney needed to be removed through open surgery. By coincidence, we met with Ahmet Hoca and came from İzmir to Bursa. He told us the risks of the surgery, but with God's permission, he said he could perform this surgery, and we trusted him. I had my surgery and I continue my life in good health." she stated.

Avcı said, "I went to the hospital because I had a herniated disc. When I had an MRI, I accidentally learned that I had a single kidney. Years later, when I needed to have another MRI, I learned that there was a benign mass in my healthy kidney this time."

Upon this, the doctors said that this kidney needed to be removed. Not wanting to have her single kidney removed and to be put on dialysis, Avcı started visiting doctor after doctor to regain her health. Urology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Şahan from Bursa Medicana Hospital, who successfully completed a challenging surgery, stated that the patient's condition is currently good, saying, "Ms. Nurcan came to us from İzmir at the age of 35. She has a single kidney that is non-functional because it is small. In her healthy kidney, there is a 12-centimeter mass diagnosed in 2016, which is a growing benign 'angiomyolipoma.'

This mass has now become a complicated mass that has incorporated the blood vessels of the kidney. The patient has undergone angiembolization treatment twice, but since it was unsuccessful, the mass continued to grow. In women, angiomyolipomas larger than 4 centimeters can spontaneously bleed, putting life at risk, so these masses need to be removed.

In cases where there is a single kidney, the complete removal of the kidney may also be necessary. To avoid this risk, many centers have resorted to embolization. When the patient came to us, we said that we could perform this procedure.

We completely removed the mass with a 2-hour minimally invasive surgery and discharged our patient within 3 days. Our patient is currently in good condition. We are very happy that we were able to save our patient from dialysis and restore her health with a minimally invasive surgery." he said.


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