It has been revealed that the owner of the business caught in the fake Zamzam water operation in Adana mixed Zamzam water he obtained from Mecca with tap water to increase its quantity. The suspect, who earned 90 million TL in 5 months, stated in his testimony, "I do not think this water is fake. Because so far, I have not received any complaints from customers."
Under the coordination of the Adana Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, the teams of the Provincial Police Department's Smuggling and Organized Crime (KOM) Branch conducted an operation after receiving information that Bilal Ç. was producing Zamzam water in the storage of his house in the Akkapı neighborhood. In the operation, the business owner Bilal Ç. was caught, and 16 tons of fake Zamzam water ready for sale, 300 rolls of bottle emblem labels, and a filling machine were seized.
In his statement, Bilal Ç., who was taken into custody, reportedly said, "There was a demand for Zamzam water, and I wanted to evaluate this and turn it into profit. I mixed Zamzam water obtained from trucks coming from Mecca with tap water. I have been doing this for about 4-5 months. I produced all the Zamzam waters in Turkey. I do not think this water is fake. Because so far, I have not received any complaints from customers."
It was determined that while 20 tons of fake Zamzam water were produced daily in the storage, they gained an unfair profit of 600 thousand TL per day. It was claimed that the business owner Bilal Ç. had earned a total of 90 million TL over the past 5 months.
It was learned that aroma and flavoring were added to the water to make the fake Zamzam water appear real. The produced fake Zamzam waters were sent from Adana to Istanbul, where they were released into the market.
Meanwhile, the 16 tons of Zamzam water seized were destroyed.