One of the child stars of the 1990s, Halil İbrahim Küçük, also known as Küçük İbo, has re-emerged after many years. Küçük İbo, who gained great popularity with the album he released at the age of 12 and the songs he performed on İbrahim Tatlıses's show, is remembered for the pose he took with Hülya Avşar. HE WAS AMONG THE POPULAR NAMES OF AN ERATowards the end of the 1990s, Küçük İbo, one of the famous child singers, became one of the shining stars of the era with the series and films named after him. Although Küçük İbo, who was nominated for İbrahim Tatlıses's throne with his unique voice, cannot reach his past popularity now, he still has many fans who remember him. 'BECOMING FAMOUS AT A YOUNG AGE WAS A MISTAKE' After many years, Küçük İbo spoke about his career, stating, "Releasing an album at the age of 12 and becoming famous was a mistake. If I had the wisdom I have now, I wouldn't have entered the music world at such a young age. I would have taken more conscious steps." Currently operating a künefe shop in Nişantaşı, Küçük İbo mentioned that he is focusing less on music. The singer, who said, "I go occasionally. We focused more on music. I try to live my life in my own way," emphasized that he is leading a calmer life.