04.03.2025 23:00
Beşiktaş President Serdal Adalı made some highly talked-about claims regarding the period of former president Hasan Arat. Adalı stated, "There was a hacker attack before the elections. Everything on the club's servers has been deleted. None of the files needed by the audit committee are available. They have accumulated the same amount of debt in one year that took 122 years to build." Adalı also commented on the rumors about Arat, saying, "If I were him, I would have committed suicide."
Beşiktaş President Serdal Adalı answered questions from Candaş Tolga Işık on the Az Önce Konuştum Program aired on Ekol TV. Making striking statements about the agenda, Adalı made sensational remarks regarding the term of his predecessor, President Hasan Arat.
"The prosecutor's office is an incident I really dislike. At least I went because it is an incident that will ensure that people who will come here to be president or manager will be more careful. The first incidents were about lighting. Coincidentally, with the payments coming to the agenda... We said, 'Bring it, let's see.' It was about the payments related to the new lighting project in the stadium... The first thing we encountered in the first week was payments, the first 15-20 days. How are we going to pay for what? The topic opened from there. Fenerbahçe has done the same application. Ask them how much they did it for. We saw a lot of differences. The project that Fenerbahçe had done for 700 thousand euros will cost us, of course, around 1 million 400 thousand in the part that will come to 700, in a 3-4 phased manner, like double.
I asked, 'Did your general manager, your CEO, not know?' I said, 'How did this happen, Seçil?' In lighting and membrane tenders, offers are taken, tenders are held, etc... Tenders were held until April, and after April, there was no offer or tender... It came to the point we reached in that way. There has been no tender since April. Our general secretary has negotiated. Professionals were informed at the contract stage. There is an internal audit mechanism regarding this, and a warning has actually come from them. 'Purchasing cannot be done this way, you are making a mistake,' it was said. You take two offers, three offers. There would be an advertisement in the newspaper, an advertisement on TV. After that point, there was already something that the audit committee had started, there was work. We activated the internal audit team. In both reports received... In the membrane incident, the offer from the company that submitted the bid is not available. The membrane we refer to is the ceiling of the stadium. The lower offer was hidden from the professional purchasing team. It is in the reports. After this point, not going to the prosecutor's office would have meant being complicit. We submitted it. The rest is a matter for the judiciary. I do not find it right to raise and lower it too much. We always trust Turkish justice. The next matter is with the prosecutor's office.
3.5 billion liras of the 7 billion... The interesting thing is... Whatever we said at that time, this money was spent incorrectly, there is chaos in football, etc. Whatever we said when we came to office, we found it in our lap. The things we could see from the outside, during the election time. Of course, I smelled foul odors. Is it normal for the same process, the same project, which was done for 700 thousand euros, to be done for 1.4 million for Beşiktaş? (Did someone pocket it?) Only God knows. There is an election in 3 months, I have no intention, fear, or thought of leaving this to after the election. The general assembly has given us authority. We will do what is right until the end. If I see even a penny, I will go to the prosecutor's office.
The hacker attack started 1 week to 10 days before the election and continued afterward. We received help from a professional team. Finally, on February 6, it was determined 100% how and what was done. On social media, they tried to create a reverse perception that Serdal Adalı's team deleted the accounts on February 6. Everything on the club's servers has been deleted. None of the files that the audit committee needs are available. Logs have been deleted. Emails have been deleted. We said there should be backups, but even those have been deleted. There are no files related to direct purchases, and almost all emails are missing. Unfortunately, even if there is nothing, after seeing these... Unfortunately, it is like this. We are waiting; the Audit Committee will provide a report after completing its other investigations.
Nothing remains secret in the football world, my brother, two plus two equals four. There are things I know and have researched. I have acquaintances abroad, managers, club owners, former football players. It will come out somehow; we will try to bring it out. It is not a matter you can prove without seeing it with your own eyes, but if you pay the entire 12 million euros to the club, you can only reach a conclusion from there about what the club gave to whom. We will follow it up to that point.
Additionally, Adalı responded to Candaş Tolga Işık's question, "What would you do if rumors like those about Hasan Arat came out about you?" with the answer, "I would have committed suicide."