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Holidays are getting longer, flexible working hours are coming! The first step has been taken for the regulation that concerns millions in the working life.

Holidays are getting longer, flexible working hours are coming! The first step has been taken for the regulation that concerns millions in the working life.

06.09.2024 15:00

The New Medium-Term Program, published in the Official Gazette, also addressed flexible working models and remote working models. With the legal regulations to be made in the new period, a balance between work and personal life will be established for employees, and they will be provided with opportunities to breathe. Suitable areas will also be created for those who want to stay in the workforce regardless of their age.

The New Medium-Term Program (OVP), shared with the public by Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz and 6 relevant ministers, includes changes in working models. Thus, concepts such as remote work and flexible work, which have come to our agenda during the pandemic period, will be implemented through legal regulations. In particular, arrangements will be made to increase the productivity of employees and ensure a balance between work and life, thus starting a more efficient work-life period.


According to the news in Sabah newspaper; the developments of the new period and the emergence of new professions with technological changes also require taking precautions in this regard. While some sectors are disappearing, the professions and working methods of the future will replace them. Thus, a vocational education and working method suitable for the new period will emerge. The Medium-Term Program, published in detail in the Official Gazette, includes measures regarding sectoral transformations.


  • In line with new generation working models such as remote, partial, and temporary work, platform work, regulations will be made that take into account the needs of the labor market, gender equality, and work-life balance. Thus, opportunities for shorter or flexible working hours will be provided in both the public and private sectors.
  • Changes will be made in the Labor Law in dialogue with social partners, and secure flexibility will be provided in labor markets in line with this.
  • Programs will be implemented for the adaptation and fair transition process to analyze the reflections of green and digital transformation on labor markets.


On the other hand, while the Medium-Term Program plans to implement new working methods, it also includes measures for individuals to remain active at any age. Thus, suitable areas will be opened for those who want to work regardless of their age. The program expresses this innovation as follows: Lifelong learning will be increased in a way that includes the active aging approach to ensure individuals' employment and adapt their skills to today's needs. Curriculum analysis and legislation updates will be made to increase the contribution of lifelong learning to the economy.


A schedule has also been determined for new generation working methods and sectoral transformations. Accordingly, innovations such as remote and partial, temporary work, flexible working hours, which will be made by law, are planned to be implemented in the first quarter of 2025. In this regard, the legislative amendment will come to the Parliament and become law. Similarly, changes to the Labor Law will be implemented in dialogue with social partners in the first quarter of 2025.

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