Turkey is discussing a new job model for the inactive segments of the workforce. The government has rolled up its sleeves for this new model, which will be designed especially for university students and housewives. THEY WILL WORK 3 DAYS A WEEKWithin the framework of the model, which will be clarified next month, approximately 60,000 university students will take on roles in jobs such as education and librarianship. In this model, the working hours will be limited to 3 days a week, and the salary will reach 15,000 TL. OPPORTUNITY FOR HOUSEWIVES TO WORK FROM HOMEHousewives will also gain a place in the workforce by working from home with the same salary. According to Show News, the aim of the new working model is to contribute to employment while also supporting the budgets of those who are outside the workforce. In this context, thousands of university students will be employed in areas such as tree planting, education, patient care, and librarianship. Housewives will be offered the opportunity to work from home. It is not yet clear which job sectors they will be employed in, but they will receive the same salary as university students, which is 15,000 TL. THEY WILL BE ABLE TO WORK FOR 10 MONTHSIt is anticipated that the working period will be limited to 10 months. All details are expected to be announced next week by President Erdoğan.