In Batman, a large group attacked a Starbucks branch to protest the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. Angry crowd threw stones and chairs at the store, and terrifying moments were captured on a mobile phone camera. "ISRAEL" PROTESTS IN MANY CITIESHamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed as a result of an assassination in Tehran, the capital of Iran. As reactions from Turkey to the assassination increased, protests were organized in many cities. ATTACK ON STARBUCKS BRANCH IN BATMANHundreds of people gathered in Batman to protest against Israel and attacked the famous coffee chain Starbucks. The angry crowd broke the windows of Starbucks with chairs, stones, and sticks. At that moment, customers who were drinking coffee at Starbucks fled in fear. ATTACK MOMENTS CAPTURED ON MOBILE PHONE CAMERAAfter the attack, the area turned into a war zone. The store suffered material damage, and the attack was captured on a mobile phone camera.