İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Ekrem İmamoğlu, katıldığı televizyon programında gündeme ilişkin açıklamalarda bulundu. Programda Ekrem İmamoğlu'na CHP içine mesaj olarak değerlendirilen "Ekrem tökezlesin de belki onun yerine ben geçerim diyenlere 'Pışık' derim" sözleri de soruldu. "WHOEVER WAS TAKEN, I DON'T CARE""Those with bad intentions who say 'whoever was taken from pışık, I don't care, if they listen to the speech I made there, I am actually explaining how important the target is and that we need to be successful," said İmamoğlu, adding, "I did this with a speech where I gave a message of struggle to my party friends. I wanted to say that neither our party members nor our citizens will allow those who want to trip us up; there, Ekrem is a metaphor... Our people think differently," he expressed. WHAT DID HE SAY?İmamoğlu, in his statements at the İSKİ Silivri Infrastructure Investments Groundbreaking Ceremony, said, "Let me take a step back, let me watch from three steps back, to those who say 'let Ekrem stumble, maybe I can take his place,' I say 'Pışık.' There is no such thing. Neither the party will let Ekrem be eaten nor the nation will let Ekrem be eaten. It's that clear," and İmamoğlu's words were interpreted as a message to the CHP.