The incident occurred in the Başak neighborhood of the Yüreğir district. According to the allegations, Halil İbrahim A. went to visit his relative Harun Eşim (70) at her home. Halil İbrahim attempted to steal Harun Eşim's ring. When the elderly woman resisted and refused to give him the ring, saying "it's my burial money," Halil İbrahim brutally assaulted her. After severely beating Harun Eşim with a hammer handle, Halil İbrahim A. dragged her to the bathroom, where he poured water on her and then locked the door behind him before fleeing. THE PERPETRATOR WAS BEATEN TO DEATH WITH A HOSE BY NEIGHBORS WHO CAUGHT HIMMeanwhile, when the neighborhood residents noticed the situation, they caught Halil İbrahim A. and beat him to death with a hose. Two ambulances that arrived at the scene took the woman and the suspect to the hospital. The suspect claimed he was fine on the way and escaped from the ambulance, disappearing. The severely injured Harun Eşim was taken to Adana City Hospital. The elderly woman's treatment in intensive care continues. "HE TRIED TO TAKE THE RING SHE CALLED 'MY BURIAL MONEY'"Describing the incident that occurred while her mother was home alone, Mukaddes Çınar (45) said, "The incident happened while my mother was sitting alone at home. When he saw my mother alone, he tried to take the ring she called 'my burial money.' Then he forcibly took the ring and her mobile phone. Not only did he beat my mother, but he also poured water on her in the bathroom and then locked the door behind him. He locked the outer door and broke the handle so that no one could enter. The neighborhood residents then beat the man. Thank you to those who beat him, I appreciate their efforts."