The argument between the engaged couple quickly escalated into a gunfight. What happened after the fight left everyone in shock. SHOT HIS FIANCEE WITH A GUNAccording to the information obtained, the incident that took place on 466th Street in Çalılöz Neighborhood started as a dispute over moving, which turned into a gunfight between Bahattin Ünlüer and his fiancée E.E. (37). As the argument escalated, Ünlüer shot his fiancée in the stomach and arm with a pistol. STOLE A PARKED TAXI AND FLEDAfter the incident, Bahattin Ünlüer stole a commercial taxi parked on the street to escape from the scene. Police teams, who were alerted, stopped the vehicle at the Nokta Junction on Alparslan Türkeş Boulevard after a brief chase. REALIZING HE COULDN'T ESCAPE FROM THE POLICE, HE SHOT HIMSELF IN THE HEADÜnlüer, who got out of the vehicle, shot himself in the head with the gun he was carrying. Medical teams who arrived at the scene transported Bahattin Ünlüer to the hospital. However, despite all the interventions at the hospital, Ünlüer could not be saved. It was learned that the woman who was hospitalized was still in critical condition. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.