While the Gassal series broadcasted on TRT continues to attract intense interest, the Altınordu Municipality announced that it has opened a gassal course within the City Academy, stating that the series has increased interest in the profession. ALTINORDU MUNICIPALITY TAKES ACTIONPresident Ulaş Tepe announced the development in a post on X, using the following statements: "As Altınordu Municipality, we continue to direct our efforts in line with the requests and demands of our citizens." "WE RECEIVED REQUESTS FROM MANY OF OUR CITIZENS"After the airing of the Gassal series, the increasing interest in this profession turned into a request from many of our citizens for a course activity. In this regard, our municipality is organizing a Funeral Services (Gassal) Course in cooperation with our Public Education Center Directorate within the City Academy. "COURSES WILL BE REOPENED ACCORDING TO DEMAND ONCE COMPLETED"You can apply for our course, which is limited to a quota of 32 hours, through the link https://altinordu.bel.tr/kent-akademi-egitim-programlari-basvurusu. The courses will be reopened according to demand once completed.