The young actress İpek Filiz Yazıcı, who gained a wide fan base with her performance in the series Love 101, got married to singer Ufuk Beydemir in Rome in 2022. The actress, who lives her marriage in public, received criticism for her sharing with her husband and sister. "I DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD BE THIS MISUNDERSTOOD"Yazıcı shared a photo of her husband sitting shirtless at home with her sister, who looks like her twin, and captioned it "My sister-in-law is swimming in dangerous waters, her brother-in-law loves these kinds of things." The actress's post quickly became the target of criticism. After receiving messages and comments, the young actress made a statement saying, "Friends, Duru is trying to squeeze the pimples/blackheads on Ufuk's back. Ufuk doesn't like this kind of thing at all. I didn't think it would be this misunderstood because it's clear what she's doing when you look at the photo".