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It has been revealed that the doctor who attracted attention due to the increasing number of patients examined the deceased.

It has been revealed that the doctor who attracted attention due to the increasing number of patients examined the deceased.

27.06.2024 18:35

The district health directorate, which examined the increasing patient records of Dr. Mustafa Ö., a family physician working at a family health center in Konya, uncovered a scandal. The doctor, who wanted to receive more payment, performed 15 examinations on a deceased female patient after her death in May 2023, and 9 examinations on another deceased patient in June 2023.

The Karatay District Health Directorate in Konya has initiated an investigation into Dr. Mustafa Ö., a family physician working at the family health center who previously served as the provincial health director in three provinces, due to the excessive number of patient registrations in the polyclinic records within a short period of time and the excessive registration of individuals with the same surname. During the investigation, it was determined that after the death of Emine Dudu Samancı (38) in May 2023 and Ismihan Serttaş (78) in June 2023, 15 examinations were opened for obesity treatment for Emine Dudu Samancı and 9 examinations were opened for Ismihan Serttaş in the 'Obesity' list of the polyclinic. The investigation file, in which it was determined that the doctor would gain unfair profit through this, was sent to the Konya Governorate for the initiation of an 'administrative' investigation against Dr. Mustafa Ö. and nurse Süreyya P., and to the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office for a 'criminal' investigation.

The Karatay District Health Directorate has initiated an investigation into Dr. Mustafa Ö. and nurse Süreyya P. at the İsmil Family Health Center, where they work as a family physician and nurse, respectively, due to the excessive number of patient registrations and excessive registration of individuals with the same surname in the records in May, June, and September 2023. During the investigation, it was revealed that 15 examinations were performed for Emine Dudu Samancı, who died in May 2023, and 9 examinations were performed for Ismihan Serttaş, who died in June 2023. It was determined that there was no diagnosis and prescription in 14 of the 15 procedures performed on Samancı, and there was a diagnosis without a prescription in one record. It was also found that there was no diagnosis and prescription in 8 of the 9 procedures performed on Serttaş, and there was a procedure with a diagnosis but without a prescription in one procedure. Furthermore, it was determined that the nurses Tuğba C., Özgül Ö., and Sümeyra O., who were working at the İsmil Family Health Center before nurse Süreyya P., performed examinations on deceased individuals. During the investigation, it was also determined that the patient follow-up information was deleted from the İsmil Family Health Center computers.

During the investigation, ebe Deniz Z., whose statement was taken, said, "In mid-February, when I was sitting in nurse Süreyya P.'s room, Dr. Mustafa Ö. entered the room. He said, 'Süreyya, my examination average is low this month, so I am entering follow-ups. You should also enter.' Süreyya was uncomfortable with this situation because this procedure does not affect the nurses financially. It only affects the examination numbers of Dr. Mustafa Ö. Mustafa Bey occasionally pressured Süreyya with questions like 'Are you entering the follow-ups?' and 'How many did you enter today?' When the Karatay Health Directorate requested the records and phone numbers of all procedures performed in the last 15 days of February for examination, Dr. Mustafa Ö. panicked a lot, as I learned from Süreyya. I heard that Dr. Mustafa called the people on the list and asked them to come to the İsmil Family Health Center for height and weight measurements, and if they were unable to come, they were asked to say 'Yes, we went to the family health center. We had our height and weight measured' if they were called from the district health directorate." Similar statements were made by the other 10 individuals who were interviewed as witnesses at the Family Health Center.

During the investigation, it was reported that Dr. Mustafa Ö., who was wanted to give his statement, initially requested the investigation documents from the inspectors and stated that he could not give his statement without the documents. In his initial defense, Mustafa Ö. said, "The officials of the provincial and district health directorates are carrying out their personal animosity towards me by hiding behind the regulations. I am systematically subjected to mobbing. Everyone can make mistakes or even wrongdoings. The administrative inspectors direct and treat me as guilty."

In his written defense submitted to the inspectors later, Dr. Mustafa Ö. denied the allegations against him and claimed that nurse Süreyya P. was responsible for the patient entries. Mustafa Ö. said, "Nurse Süreyya P. was using the main computer that belonged to me. I also detected the entry of examinations for deceased individuals. I warned the nurse about this issue in writing. The system was constantly giving errors. It was bringing dead people as if they were alive. When the identity number of deceased individuals was entered, it allowed all kinds of examinations and follow-ups. Nurse Süreyya P. entered all the February data regarding the deletion of the performed follow-ups."

Nurse Süreyya P. also stated in her defense, "In February, Dr. Mustafa Ö. came to my room and said that his examination average was low and he would enter follow-ups. He gave me a paper with information about the patients and told me to enter follow-ups for obesity for these individuals. In order for Dr. Mustafa Ö. to receive the highest salary, his examination average should be 76 percent. Therefore, entering follow-ups does not bring any financial gain to me. There is no money transfer from the doctor to me for this procedure. I entered obesity and women's follow-ups based on the information provided by the doctor. I did not know that the data was false. Mustafa Ö. was constantly checking the data. When the data was not entered or entered late, he subjected me to mobbing. His behavior and attitude towards me changed. I was very uncomfortable with this situation. He treated me not as a nurse but as a worker under his command. In order to put an end to the attitudes I encountered, I started entering the requested data. Before that, I did not call the patients and invite them to the family health center. All I did was enter the information given by the doctor into the system."

The investigation report prepared by the inspectors stated the following: "At this stage of the investigation, it was found that citizens were called intensively by Dr. Mustafa Ö., nurse Süreyya P., and nurse Asiye B. H. and invited to the family health center for height and weight measurements. For those who could not come, they were told to say 'We went to the family health center and had our height and weight measured' if they were called from the directorate or the ministry. As it was understood from the statements, it was coincidentally discovered that some citizens had died, and Dr. Mustafa Ö. proceeded to delete their procedures after their deaths. It was determined during the investigation that this was done by Dr. Mustafa Ö. It is evident that despite the profit made through some official data, there was no hesitation in deleting the data afterwards. During the statement-taking process, a written warning was issued to nurse Süreyya P. in 12 matters, which she had been working with Dr. Mustafa Ö. for 8 months, and it was sent to our directorate. In this warning text, nurse Süreyya P. was warned about 'entering follow-ups for deceased individuals,' and this warning was evaluated as significant and an attempt to shift the responsibility during the investigation. Dr. Mustafa Ö. aimed to benefit from support payments by keeping his examination average high."The pressure on the employees working alongside is evident with instructions to conduct obesity monitoring without the knowledge of certain individuals at regular intervals. Furthermore, the accusation that Mustafa Ö. is responsible for the observations of deceased individuals, allegedly carried out by nurse Süreyya P., is impossible. Süreyya P. is stationed in the Kulu district during the dates when the monitoring took place. "


The completed investigation prepared by the inspectors included the following opinions:

"As understood from the statements, the evidence and the incidents that occurred during the investigation phase, Dr. Mustafa Ö. entered fictitious figures for obesity monitoring without seeing certain citizens in order to benefit from family medicine payments. The data entry based on deceased individuals alone is sufficient evidence that the procedure was carried out without seeing the citizens. There is an effort to shift the responsibility for this onto the unit nurse. As a result of the investigation, it was concluded that disciplinary, administrative, financial, and judicial actions should be taken against Dr. Mustafa Ö. It was also concluded that only disciplinary action should be taken against Nurse Süreyya P.," it was stated.

The completed investigation file was sent to the Konya Governorate for the initiation of an 'administrative' investigation against Dr. Mustafa Ö. and Nurse Süreyya P., and to the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office for a 'judicial' investigation.

Meanwhile, it was stated that the families of Emine Dudu Samancı, who died of heart disease, and Ismihan Serttaş, who died of age-related illness, were unaware of the situation and that neither of them had any complaints of obesity.


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