The Official Gazette has published Presidential Decisions approving the privatization tenders, including Kalamış Yacht Harbor, a 32.9 thousand square meter highway land in Ankara Akköprü, and some real estate-focused tenders with lands in Didim. PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL GAZETTEThe decision to sell to Vahit Karaaslan, who offered the highest bid in the privatization tender, including Koç Holding, for Kalamış Yacht Harbor, was published in the Official Gazette with the signature of President Erdoğan. OWNED BY TURKISH MARITIME ENTERPRISESIf Vahit Karaaslan completes the transfer by paying the price, he will operate the yacht harbor for 40 years. Kalamış Yacht Harbor is owned by Turkish Maritime Enterprises. TENDER WAS CANCELLEDThe tender held in 2021 for the privatization of Fenerbahçe-Kalamış Yacht Harbor was cancelled by Presidential Decision. The tender held in 2022 for the privatization of the harbor was also cancelled due to insufficient bids. Vahit Karaarslan offered the highest bid of 505 million dollars in the tender held in July.