The 65-year-old pop icon was holding onto the arm of 28-year-old Akeem as they took a stroll in the city of Portofino, Italy. Jamaican-born footballer Akeem had also appeared in Madonna's August 2022 cover shoot for Paper magazine. The couple is currently in Italy ahead of Madonna's 66th birthday on August 16. These images come shortly after Akeem spent July 4th with Madonna and she shared it on her Instagram page. Madonna was wearing a black dress. The dress consisted of a straight black section at hip level and a dramatic lace layer that extended down to her ankles and included a cape. She was also wearing several necklaces and bracelets, including a cross. Madonna's blonde hair was slightly wavy as she walked in the cobblestone streets wearing sandals. The icon completed her look with black lace gloves and sunglasses. She was holding onto Akeem's arm as they walked around the historic city. Akeem was wearing a green collared knit top and white shorts, with sunglasses. The couple later sat down with their friends for an outdoor lunch. Madonna and Akeem seem to have met for the first time in 2022 - Akeem was featured in Madonna's August 2022 cover of Paper magazine. On July 4th, Madonna shared a series of explicit photos, including one where Akeem's hand was on her breasts while they were lying on a couch together. In her caption, Madonna mentioned that she had survived a life-threatening illness last year and experienced a miraculous recovery.