Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, which encompasses popular social media and messaging applications like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, made striking statements during a podcast he participated in. COVİD-19 VACCINE CONFESSIONZuckerberg revealed that during the coronavirus pandemic, the administration of President Joe Biden and health authorities pressured him to remove and censor negative posts regarding Covid-19 vaccines. Zuckerberg stated, "They forced us to hide the facts during the Covid period. They wanted us to delete posts from anyone saying that the Covid vaccine could have side effects." MANY USERS' POSTS WERE REMOVEDZuckerberg expressed that many users' posts sharing information about the side effects of vaccines were removed during this process, emphasizing that the content in question was deemed misinformation without a scientific basis. Zuckerberg's confession has resonated significantly in the public and global press.