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Meriç Aral, who has postponed her wedding for the third time, has made the final decision: We will get married in September.

Meriç Aral, who has postponed her wedding for the third time, has made the final decision: We will get married in September.

27.06.2024 20:52

Meriç Aral, who has been in a relationship with her colleague Serkan Keskin for a long time, has postponed their wedding date for the third time. Aral, stating that they couldn't determine a date due to their busy work schedules, said "We are thinking of September, but we haven't been able to align our schedules due to work."

In the series Who Came and Who Went, which is broadcast on Netflix, Meriç Aral, who also played the lead role in the movie Sandık Kokusu, is in a relationship with her 5-star colleague Serkan Keskin. Meriç Aral, who went to Mert Demir's concert last night, talked about her wedding, which has been postponed 3 times.


Talking to Muhabir Online reporter before the concert, Meriç Aral said, "Actually, our wedding date is not constantly being postponed. It will happen at some point, but the date has not been determined yet. We think it will be in September, but we can't manage to make it happen because we work intensively. We are trying to organize it properly. It's been a while since we received the marriage proposal, so we need to finalize it now. When people love and respect each other, the relationship finds its own rhythm. Both sides need to set their boundaries and make sacrifices."

The famous couple introduced their families a long time ago and took the first step towards marriage. The couple, who have busy work schedules, had to postpone their wedding date 3 times.

Meriç Aral, whose wedding has been postponed for the third time, put an end to it: We will get married in September
Meriç Aral, whose wedding has been postponed for the third time, put an end to it: We will get married in September
Meriç Aral, whose wedding has been postponed for the third time, put an end to it: We will get married in September

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