In an incident that took place at a women's hair salon in the district of Bağlar, M.A and his wife R.K. came to the salon owned by G.E. and her daughter Ş.E. on August 7th for unknown reasons and threatened them before leaving. The next day, M.A. came to the salon alone and attacked G.E. and Ş.E., beating them and forcing them out of the business. HE STARTED HITTING WITH A BRUSHM.A. then took the brush from G.E., who was trying to defend herself, and hit the mother and daughter in front of the eyes of another unidentified young boy, pulling their hair. THOSE MOMENTS WERE CAPTURED ON CAMERAThe beaten mother and daughter filed a complaint against M.A. and his wife R.K., who later left the scene, tearing the mother's shirt. The incident was captured on a security camera and recorded on a mobile phone.