In the case of the murder of 8-year-old Narin Güran, whose lifeless body was found 19 days after going missing in Diyarbakır, the detained defendants mother Yüksel, brother Enes, and uncle Salim Güran were sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment, while the detained defendant Nevzat Bahtiyar was sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison. ANOTHER STRIKING SHARING FROM THE LAWYERAfter the case, the lawyer of the informant Nevzat Bahtiyar, Ali Eryılmaz, made statements today that will attract attention. 3 MORE NAMES INCLUDED IN THE INVESTIGATIONStating that they have taken action for Devran Güran, Kurtuluş Güran, and Muhammet Kaya, whose DNA was found in the vehicle used by uncle Salim Güran, Eryılmaz said, "We requested to participate in the investigation file, which is being conducted secretly by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, as a complainant, and based on the Van Criminal Report dated 6.9.2024, we requested the inclusion of Devran Güran, Kurtuluş Güran, and Muhammet Kaya in the investigation and their referral to the Peace Criminal Court for arrest due to the possibility of destroying evidence, misleading witnesses, and fleeing abroad."