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New development in the attack on Serhat Akın: 6 suspects have been referred to the courthouse.

New development in the attack on Serhat Akın: 6 suspects have been referred to the courthouse.

30.09.2024 11:52

Six people detained in connection with the armed attack on former football player and sports commentator Serhat Akın have been transferred to Beykoz Courthouse. Last week, during an attack on Akın after a program in Beykoz, three shots were fired at the famous commentator's leg. Law enforcement agencies took action to find the perpetrators of the attack and detained six individuals. It was reported that the suspects were taken to the courthouse after their procedures at the police station were completed.

Former Fenerbahçe football player and now sports commentator Serhat Akın was attacked after his program last week.


The famous commentator was shot three times in the foot. Law enforcement agencies have taken action against the perpetrators of the attack on Akın. As part of the investigation launched for the attack, 6 individuals identified were taken into custody.


As part of the investigation, those taken into custody, including O.M., who is alleged to have ridden the motorcycle during the incident, and O.D. and M.A., who are claimed to have fired the weapon, along with I.T., Y.G., and M.A., have completed their procedures at the police station. The suspects were taken to Beykoz Courthouse after their procedures.

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