The 22-year-old star football player of the Super League giant Trabzonspor, Enis Destan, recently got engaged to Arzum Kuruçalı, who is 10 years older than him. HIS MOTHER HAD REACTEDThe 22-year-old forward had also shared engagement photos on social media. Enis Destan's mother, Gül Destan, had made harsh remarks about her future daughter-in-law, Arzum Kuruçalı. NEW POST HAS ARRIVEDFreshly in love, the couple has shared a new post without responding to Gül Destan's statements. Arzum Kuruçalı shared a photo with her fiancé Enis Destan, accompanied by a heart emoji. It became a topic of curiosity what Gül Destan's reaction would be to the photo on Instagram. WHAT HAD HAPPENED?Criticizing the bride's outfit, Gül Destan said, "If she wants to marry someone 10 years younger, she could have chosen a partner from an ordinary factory or other professions; the intention is clear. Look at the outfit of the bride my son has chosen. I do not find it suitable in any way. Neither physically, nor in terms of lifestyle, nor in age, she is not the bride candidate we would prefer. Despite discussing multiple times that this would not work, the bride has clung to my son like a burden. I leave the comments on this outfit to you. She has arranged it for herself by deceiving him," she said. Destan also made harsh statements about the age difference, saying, "Enis's age is known, but why is the age of the bride we do not prefer not known? Because she is 10 years older. She is not a match for my son. He has found a young, handsome gem with a pure heart; would he let that go? A drum only beats for its match. We did not go to ask for our son’s hand. We do not know her family. They have arranged everything among themselves and the bride's side in a planned manner. Everything has customs, traditions, and ways. It should be discussed as a family. None of this happened. Our son is too young for marriage. They rushed it like they were escaping from a fire," she expressed. Here is that post;