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New statement from the Ministry of National Defense regarding the lieutenants, according to President Erdogan: Necessary action will be taken.

New statement from the Ministry of National Defense regarding the lieutenants, according to President Erdogan: Necessary action will be taken.

12.09.2024 14:01

The oath taken by young lieutenants at the graduation ceremony of the Turkish Military Academy, where they raised their swords in the air and shouted "We are Mustafa Kemal's soldiers," drew a reaction from President Erdogan. Sources from the Ministry of National Defense, who made a statement regarding the issue, announced that the investigation is ongoing and necessary actions will be taken against those responsible.

The Ministry of National Defense (MSB) sources announced that the sword oath ceremony, which took place at the graduation ceremony of the National Defense University (MSÜ) Land Forces Academy, was thoroughly investigated with great care and sensitivity, and that necessary actions will be taken regarding personnel who have intention, fault, negligence, or responsibility within the scope of disciplinary regulations.

MSB Press and Public Relations Advisor Rear Admiral Zeki Aktürk held a press conference at the ministry regarding the activities carried out in the past week. Aktürk stated that 95 terrorists were neutralized in operations carried out in the past week, and that the number of terrorists neutralized since January 1st is 1,963, including 983 in Iraq and 980 in the north of Syria. Aktürk stated that a total of 41 targets consisting of caves, shelters, hideouts, depots, and facilities used by the terrorist organization, including terrorists at a responsible level, were successfully destroyed in air operations carried out on September 2nd and 9th in Metina, Zap, Gara, Hakurk, Kandil, and Asos in northern Iraq. Aktürk stated that 27 terrorists were neutralized in operations carried out using domestic and national ammunition, and that the assessment of the effects on the targets is ongoing. Aktürk also stated that 2 PKK terrorists who escaped from the shelter areas in northern Iraq surrendered to the border post in Habur this week.


Rear Admiral Aktürk stated that "493 individuals who tried to cross illegally through our borders in the past week have been caught. 1,545 individuals have been prevented from crossing the border. 6 of the captured individuals are members of terrorist organizations. Thus, the number of individuals caught while trying to cross our borders illegally has reached 10,091 since January 1st. The number of individuals prevented from crossing the border is 75,332." Aktürk also mentioned the efforts regarding forest fires and stated that "The Turkish Armed Forces, which continue to support humanitarian aid activities and the fight against disasters, have contributed to the extinguishing of forest fires that occurred in 31 different locations so far by making 2,974 sorties with 102 helicopters, including the one in Menteşe/Muğla on September 7th and 8th." After Rear Admiral Aktürk's presentation, MSB sources answered journalists' questions regarding the agenda. It was stated by the ministry sources that a series of agreements, including energy, were made with Somalia, and it was announced that a seismic research vessel, coordinated by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, is expected to go to the region next month, and that ships belonging to the Naval Forces will also accompany the vessel.


Regarding the questions about the sword oath of lieutenants at the Land Forces Academy graduation ceremony, it was emphasized that discipline is the foundation of military service. It was stated that the Turkish Armed Forces approach incidents with a sense of discipline and carry out the necessary procedures within the framework of law/regulations. It was stated that the investigation initiated regarding the images of the sword oath that were reflected to the public is ongoing. It was emphasized that the incident in question is thoroughly investigated and examined with great care and sensitivity, and that necessary actions will be taken regarding personnel who have intention, fault, negligence, or responsibility within the scope of disciplinary regulations. It was announced that everyone should be more sensitive and careful not to damage the army, which has been carrying out the most comprehensive and effective activities since the War of Independence, and not to detach the incident from its context and not to give credit to disinformation. It was also stated that the sword oath was first implemented in graduation ceremonies on January 29, 1999, and with the change made in the guidelines on March 29, 2023, it took its current form in the ceremonies.


It was stated that the Defense Cooperation Roadmap Agreement signed between the United States and the Greek Cypriot Administration (GKRY) was strongly condemned. It was emphasized that the steps taken against the security of the Turkish Cypriot side harm the neutral stance of the United States towards the island of Cyprus. It was stated that the approach that ignores the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and sees the Greek Cypriot Administration as the sole representative of the island needs to be reconsidered.


In addition, it was stated that Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Alper Gezeravcı, who successfully completed the manned space mission as a first within the scope of the National Space Program, was appointed to the Space Command with the '2024 General Assignments'.

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