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No one expected this from him! Surprise call from Mehmet Büyükekşi to Ali Koç.

No one expected this from him! Surprise call from Mehmet Büyükekşi to Ali Koç.

28.06.2024 11:00

TFF President Mehmet Büyükekşi made statements regarding the Czech Republic match and the Austria pairing. Büyükekşi, who called for unity and solidarity to the presidents of the four major clubs, said, "The presidents of the four major clubs should put everything aside and take a photo together in support of the Austria match. The one who will organize this is also the President of the Club Association, Ali Koç."

The President of the Turkish Football Federation, Mehmet Büyükekşi, made evaluations regarding the Czech Republic match and the Austria match. Prior to the Austria match, Büyükekşi called for unity among the big four clubs and said, "The one who will organize this event is the President of the Club Association, Ali Koç."

Mehmet Büyükekşi's statements are as follows;


"I sincerely congratulate our players and coaching staff. Despite receiving very negative criticism after the Portugal match, there was also a large group that supported and encouraged our team. We have qualified from the group stage, which we have been longing for for 16 years. This was the first step. I always said that we need to write new stories. We have completed the first step. Let it be a gift to the 85 million people. We experienced these beautiful moments with their prayers. Let them continue to pray for the team. I believe that we will eliminate Austria as well. I am grateful to the supporters who never left us alone in Germany, who made Turkey come alive for us, who painted everything in red and white, and who were admired by other countries. I also owe a special thank you to our expatriates and citizens. Thank you, may they always be there."


"It was a difficult process. Especially after the Portugal match, our internal enemies launched an operation against the National Team using 19-year-old Arda Güler. This small group, who questioned our love for the country and the nation, caused terror on social media as if they wanted us not to qualify from the group stage and celebrate. There were so many unknown things that I will touch upon now. The Crescent-Star team faced threats from the moment they arrived in Germany. And because of this, they used airplanes for many journeys and were very cautious. But even from this, people who have nothing to do with sports and football, just to get attention, caused harm by saying things like, "Why aren't they going by train, why aren't they taking the bus?" If we put aside the game on the field, there was a great struggle off the field. We have one flag, one national team. Stop harming our team for personal interests."


It is necessary for everyone to come together and support this group of players carrying the Crescent-Star in the Austria match. Especially the presidents of the big four clubs should put everything aside and take a photo together to show their support in the Austria match. The one who will organize this event is the President of the Club Association, Ali Koç. It is time to unite. Put aside the TFF elections."

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