Astrolog Aysun Koç explained the effects of the New Moon occurring in Sagittarius on December 1st in the Haberler.com studio. "THE NEW MOON IN AZRAEL MAY BRING WAR"Providing information about the New Moon on December 1st, Koç stated, "On December 1st at 09:21, the New Moon will occur at 9 degrees of Sagittarius in the 12th house of the chart. There is a very special degree in Sagittarius where a fixed star called Antares exists. Antares represents the angel Azrael among the 4 angels. It is also a fixed star related to wars. This New Moon will be active starting a few days before and will continue to have effects for 15 days, even until the next New Moon. Starting from December 6th, as Mars will go retrograde, we are entering an active period. The year 2025 is indicated to be a year with high risks regarding war-related issues," she said. "SAGITTARIUS, GEMINI, VIRGO, AND PISCES WILL BE MOST AFFECTED"Koç mentioned the signs that will be most affected and the luckiest ones, saying, "The signs that will be most influenced by the New Moon will be the mutable signs, particularly those born in the first 15 days of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces. The luckiest ones receiving more favorable effects from the New Moon will be Leos and Aries," she added.