The beloved of Galatasaray fans, Victor Osimhen, is facing rumors of a mid-season departure, while the striker reportedly stood firm against Napoli officials who came to meet him, leading to the president being quite angry about the situation. THEY CAME TO ISTANBULThe purpose of Giovanni Manna, the sporting director of Napoli, visiting Turkey was to discuss the current situation of Osimhen, whose contract is valid until June 2026 and was loaned to Galatasaray with a mid-season exit option included in his contract. HE STOOD FIRMThe club that would pay the 75 million euro release clause to Napoli had the opportunity to complete the transfer by paying Galatasaray 6.5 million euros in compensation if they could convince the Nigerian striker. However, Osimhen eliminated this possibility. Manna explained the offers that came to the club for Osimhen. He mentioned that they were quite interested in Manchester United's offer and asked him to make a decision. However, he received an unexpected response from Osimhen. "I CAN'T LEAVE THEM"The 26-year-old forward said, "I made a promise to Galatasaray. I am very happy here. The fans love me a lot. I can't leave them. If the teams that make offers still want me in May, we can sit down and talk again." This situation reportedly angered the president of Napoli significantly, according to Italian news sources.