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"Özel stated that citizens have also slowly started to demand it" and gave a date for early elections.

27.06.2024 18:43

Speaking about the ongoing early election claims following the March 31 elections, CHP Chairman Özgür Özel stated, "I have said that I will not instrumentalize the election results to demand an early election. This does not mean that I do not want an election. I want it the most. Surveys also show that the citizens are gradually starting to demand an election. Erdogan was elected for a term of 5 years, but I believe that an early election will take place 2.5 years after being elected, 1.5 years from today."

CHP Leader Özgür Özel said, "I will not run away from early elections, I will run for it" and stated that there could be early elections "one and a half years from today".


Özgür Özel, the leader of the Republican People's Party (CHP), made statements about the agenda. Answering the question about early elections, Özel said, "Turkey will get rid of the Erdoğan administration in the first election. When I say the first election, I don't mean 2028. I said that I will not instrumentalize the results of the March 31 elections to demand elections. It doesn't mean that I don't want elections. I want it the most. Surveys also show that citizens are starting to demand elections slowly. Erdoğan was elected for 5 years, but I think there will be early elections 2.5 years after being elected, 1.5 years from today. I will not run away from early elections, I will run for it," he said.


Özel said, "I am not trying to normalize the government. I will normalize even if there is no MHP or AK Party. My concern is to normalize with their voters," and said that they are fighting against AKP's policy of portraying CHP as a "quarrelsome party".


Özel said that they can fulfill the conditions for European Union membership in two years when they come to power, and made the following remarks about CHP's refugee policy; "We do not want refugees to stay in Turkey, we do not want the de facto situation to become permanent. That's why we will make very active moves in the coming days, take initiative in solving the Syrian problem, if necessary, have direct meetings with Assad, and work to re-establish communication channels between Turkey and Syria and ensure the safe return of Syrians to their countries. We are considering all alternatives, including going to meet with Assad and meeting with Assad. We will take a very active stance within a few months. The refugee problem must be solved, but it is not appropriate for Turkey or our party to do it with hatred and hate speech."

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