The allegation that 7 opposition party deputies will switch to the AK Party continues to be on the agenda while Mustafa Nedim Yamalı, who is claimed to be switching from the Future Party to the AK Party, broke his silence. Yamalı, who confirmed that some meetings were held, raised question marks with his statements. "WE ARE HAVING SOME MEETINGS"Mustafa Nedim Yamalı said about the allegations, "We are having some meetings. AK Party is one of them. Our friends there are the ones we have worked together for years." "AK PARTY FRIENDS WANT US TO JOIN"Yamalı, who also stated that they have meetings with the AK Party and that the names in the AK Party are their friends whom they have worked together for years, said, "We have some recommendations for the AK Party. I am one of the founders of the AK Party. We are talking to each other, but we are currently continuing our work in our own party. Among the people we have met are also İYİ Party, Deva Party, Democrat Party, and Republican People's Party." "WE DON'T KNOW WHAT TIME WILL SHOW"Yamalı, who stated that they will continue to work to bring together the fragmented state of politics, said, "We entered a new period after the elections. In this new period, everyone is trying to determine their own roadmap. This is not only a situation related to our party. The deputies in other parties are also working. In this regard, we don't know what time will show." "IF WE SWITCH, WE WILL SWITCH TOGETHER WITH DAVUTOĞLU"Regarding the allegations that Ahmet Davutoğlu is unaware and secret meetings are held, Yamalı said, "Ahmet Davutoğlu is aware of all the meetings held in the party. Everything is within the knowledge of the party leader. Most of our meetings are public. We don't do anything without the will, knowledge, and approval of the party leader. We are not a package. We couldn't fulfill our demands at the 6-party table. These meetings are held with the instructions of our party leader and the final decision will be made by Ahmet Davutoğlu. If we switch to the AK Party, we will switch together with our esteemed party leader Ahmet Davutoğlu."