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Russian Journalist Succumbs To Wounds From Ukraine's Drone Attack

14.06.2024 12:12

One of two Russian journalists wounded in village of Horlivka on Thursday dies of wounds, another loses hand.

A Russian journalist succumbed to wounds from Ukraine's drone attack, the Russian authorities said on Friday.

Doctors were unable to save the life of NTV television cameraman Valery Kozhin, who was severely injured in the village of Horlivka in the Donetsk region, local authorities told Russian media.

Kozhin, along with NTV correspondent Alexey Ivliev and a Russian army officer whose name was withheld for security reasons, came under Ukraine's drone attack on Thursday evening.

All three were hospitalized and underwent surgery. Ivliev lost one of his hands, while the fate of the officer remains unknown.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova strongly condemned the attack, accusing Ukraine of "intentionally targeting journalists."

Zakharova called on relevant international organizations to denounce Ukraine's actions. -

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