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Salim Güran was asked directly: Do you have a relationship with Narin's mother?

Salim Güran was asked directly: Do you have a relationship with Narin's mother?

14.09.2024 09:40

The statement of Salim Güran, who is detained as part of the investigation into the murder of 8-year-old Narin Güran in Diyarbakır, was taken again. Salim Güran, who said "All the allegations made against me by Nevzat Bahtiyar are false," was also asked the question "Do you have any relationship with Narin's mother?" Salim Güran responded to this question by saying "There is definitely no such thing."

The investigation into the murder of Narin Güran, who went missing on August 21 in Tavşantepe neighborhood of Bağlar district in Diyarbakır and whose lifeless body was found in Eğertutmaz Stream on September 8, continues by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.

As part of the investigation, Salim Güran, the uncle who was arrested on September 2, was brought to Diyarbakır Courthouse and questioned by 3 prosecutors conducting the investigation. After the procedures were completed, Güran was taken back to prison. Güran reiterated his previous statements given to the gendarmerie and the prosecutor's office regarding his actions on the day of the incident and denied the accusations against him.

Salim Güran, who denies the allegations against him, stated the following:

"Nevzat Bahtiyar is my friend, we have a good relationship, he is from our village. Although I cannot remember the exact times, it is true that I was together with R.A. separately between 14:30 and 20:00. All the allegations made by Nevzat Bahtiyar against me are lies. I definitely did not call Nevzat on the day of the incident. I definitely did not see Nevzat Bahtiyar between 15:00 and 16:00, which you asked about. Only after 20:00, while I was walking towards my house inside the village, I saw a crowd. Apart from that, the incident he mentioned definitely did not happen. I do not accept these statements. After killing my niece Narin Güran and loading her body into my car, I did not deliver it to him. I did not tell Nevzat that I killed Arif's daughter. Therefore, I do not accept the allegations against me."


I remember the conversation you mentioned. While I was irrigating the corn field in question, I sometimes used a tool to make the electricity of the transformer I used for illegal connections. On the day of the incident, I called R.A. to pick up that tool from the stone edge where I left it. The content of the conversation is completely related to this. It has nothing to do with Narin's death.


I deleted these records because I met with prostitutes and to prevent this matter from being revealed. I have no other intention. Because I constantly delete digital data on my phone. I do not have any intention of destroying any evidence regarding Narin's death.


The vehicle is not registered under my name. It belongs to my brother Fuat. I am using this vehicle because my car is broken. The doors and windows of the car are always open. Children constantly get in the car.


There is absolutely no such thing."


Yüksel Güran, the arrested mother, responded to the question "Did you kill Narin because she witnessed your relationship with Salim when she climbed up to your house?" by saying "I cannot have any relationship with this man." She answered the question "If you didn't commit the crime, who do you think did?" by saying "I don't suspect anyone. I don't know if my husband has any enemies or not."

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