The famous actor Sarp Levendoğlu, who has starred in productions that have made a mark on Turkish television, chose to leave Istanbul and settle in Datça for a quieter life. Explaining his move to Datça by saying, "I am 45 years old and I am here for a healthier life," the actor stated, "I wake up in the morning, I exercise. There is no traffic, you can do whatever you want. This is really a great luxury," which sparked a lot of discussions. Living a life away from the screens, Sarp Levendoğlu was recently a guest on the program İşin Aslı with Aslı Şafak. Stating that he does not want to have children, Levendoğlu also explained his reasons. "I LOVE SURFING MORE THAN PEOPLE"Drawing attention with his comments about children, Levendoğlu emphasized that he loves surfing more than anything else, saying: "I love it more than people. If I had a child; when the wind picks up, if they get sick, you have to take the child to the hospital. You can't surf, you know. That's why I prefer to surf. That's why I don't want to have a child or anything. I would have wanted one in my 20s, but back then my mind wasn't working well; as I get older and think more comprehensively, I become more anxious." Levendoğlu's words were widely discussed on social media. While some users agreed with the famous actor, others commented, "What a silly reason."