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Second hearing in the Sinan Ateş murder case! He refused to provide the password for his phone during the trial and even set conditions for the presiding judge.

Second hearing in the Sinan Ateş murder case! He refused to provide the password for his phone during the trial and even set conditions for the presiding judge.

02.07.2024 18:31

The second hearing was held today in the trial of 22 defendants regarding the murder of former Idealist Hearths President Sinan Ateş. The presiding judge asked Mustafa Ensar Aykal, former Chief of the Homicide Bureau of Ankara Police Department, why he did not open his phone password. Aykal responded, "Your Honor, I know I have the right to remain silent. Once concrete evidence of my detention is presented, I will share my phone password." Meanwhile, the trial was adjourned to continue tomorrow after the defendants' statements.

The trial of 22 defendants, including former Idealist Hearths President and Hacettepe University Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinan Ateş, who was killed, continued in the afternoon. Mustafa Ensar Aykal, former Ankara Police Department Homicide Bureau Chief, did not share his phone password with the court.

The second hearing of the trial of 22 defendants in the murder of former Idealist Hearths Education and Culture Foundation President and Hacettepe University Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinan Ateş was held today. The trial, attended by detained and released defendants, their lawyers, and the victim Sinan Ateş's wife Ayşe Ateş, took place in the courtroom at Sincan Penal Institutions Campus by Ankara 32nd Heavy Penal Court. The presiding judge stated that the trial would continue after the one-hour lunch break and gave the floor to the detained defendant Emre Yüksel.

Second hearing in the Sinan Ateş murder case! He did not give his phone password in the trial and also set conditions for the presiding judge


Detained defendant Emre Yüksel, former Idealist Hearths executive, said, "I am an architect for 12 years, I worked as a referee at the Turkish Football Federation. I am a law-abiding person who is loyal to his country and nation. I have no acquaintance with the victim Sinan Ateş. My gun license was issued one day before the incident. On the day of the incident, we met with Tolgahan Demirbaş to shoot at the farm, then we went to dinner in Balgat, and then we went to the hearth and took care of our business. I was continuing with the flow of my life. I am asked about the reason for my arrest because of the statements of Aytaç Ataç and Çağlar Zorlu, whom I do not know at all. I did not ask anyone about the license plate of Sinan Ateş's lawyer Ali Yücel. I asked Tolgahan about a license plate, and it turned out to belong to a person named Ali Yücel. It was a message sent two and a half years ago, and I remembered it when it was shown in my statement. I had opened a cafe, and this vehicle could be a disturbed vehicle there, so I asked. Tolgahan is a friend I frequently meet, so I asked."


Alper Atay, who knew defendant Doğukan Çep from the 1877 Alemdağ Sports Club Association in Beykoz district of Istanbul, said that he did not accept the accusations and stated, "I did not know Sinan Ateş. I am a person with no criminal record. I have been a professional and amateur football coach for more than 20 years. A significant part of my life has been related to sports. In this regard, I have no connection with any crime, I am just a person related to my club. I met Doğukan Çep through Ufuk Köktürk. Ufuk said that he was our fellow countryman when he brought Doğukan. He used to come to matches from time to time, he used to come to the club's cafe. I have such an acquaintance. I request my release from the court."

Second hearing in the Sinan Ateş murder case! He did not give his phone password in the trial and also set conditions for the presiding judge


Former Ankara Police Department Homicide Bureau Chief Mustafa Ensar Aykal said, "During the 9 months I have been in prison, it has been written in the media that I gave the location of Ateş to the perpetrators of the incident, and I read all of these. I saw that there was also a deputy from the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in this incident, and I patiently waited without pulling the strings of 40 doors like others. I will explain the whole process of 'deception' in my statement. Except for Tolgahan Demirbaş, I do not know anyone. He is someone who knows many of my professional seniors, knows me through them, and has many acquaintances in the police and bureaucracy community, and I know that he has not been involved in any criminal offense. This person, within the framework of trust he created in me over time, sometimes asked for information from me. I know that this act is a crime. But it is approached like extraordinary situations. These are all I have to say, that's all about the incident. I request my release." When asked by the presiding judge why he did not give his phone password, Aykal said, "Mr. President, I know that I have the right to remain silent, let a concrete evidence emerge that I am being held, and I will share my phone password."


Mustafa Ensar Aykal stated that he entered the file as a suspect witness for Selman Bozkurt, who was next to Sinan Ateş, and Ahmet Keçik. After the statements of the defendants, the trial was adjourned until tomorrow.

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