Selahattin Paşalı, who is counting down the days to return to the screen with the series adapted from Orhan Pamuk's work of the same name, shared a photo from the set with his daughter Pera for his followers to enjoy. The famous actor Selahattin Paşalı, who made a significant breakthrough with his role in the series Ömer, will now star alongside Eylül Lize Kandemirli in the series adapted from Orhan Pamuk's novel, Masumiyet Müzesi. In the ongoing series directed by Zeynep Günay, Selahattin Paşalı will portray the character Kemal, and he drew attention with his latest post. "TO LARA AND PERA"Selahattin Paşalı, who went to the Masumiyet Müzesi with the set crew, took photos with his daughter and wife Lara Paşalı, who came along with him. The famous actor captioned the post he shared with his wife and daughter, "To Lara and Pera…". THE PLOT OF MASUMİYET MÜZESİThe story of Masumiyet Müzesi, which began in 1975, revolves around the love between Kemal, the 30-year-old son of the textile-rich Basmacı family, and Füsun, the 18-year-old daughter of their distant relatives, the Keskin family. The Masumiyet Müzesi series will be presented to the audience in 2026.