Beşiktaş Presidential Candidate Serdal Adalı made statements before the elections to be held on Sunday on TRT Spor. Adalı stated that the first candidate for the head coach position is Sergen Yalçın and used striking expressions regarding the experienced coach. "IF I WIN THE ELECTION, I WILL FIRST MEET WITH TOPRAKTEPE, THEN WITH YALÇIN"Serdal Adalı's statements are as follows; "Sergen Yalçın is my first choice, but there is a need for a restructuring regarding football. Accordingly, we have prepared a projection. We have clearly defined in the projection who will do what tasks with very sharp lines. If God permits, the first thing I will do on Monday is to meet with Coach Serdar. I will gather information about the team and get his opinions. After that, I will sit down with Sergen Yalçın. "IF SERGEN ADAPTS TO THESE CONDITIONS, HE IS MY FIRST CHOICE"I will clearly explain to Sergen Yalçın the projection we have in mind and the method we will apply over the next 3.5 years. If he adapts to these conditions, I will say that my first choice is Coach Sergen. If he does not meet these conditions, of course, there are alternatives. "I FIND SERGEN'S COMMENTS ON BEŞİKTAŞ EXAGGERATED"I think Sergen Coach does a great job on his program, but sometimes I find the parts related to Beşiktaş exaggerated. Naturally, this reflects on our fans as well. There are reactions inevitably. I know that the Sergen Yalçın who comments on television is not the same as the Sergen Yalçın on the sidelines.