The famous influencer Kerimcan Durmaz, who performed as a DJ at a concert held for the advertisement of an illegal betting site and was arrested on charges of 'encouraging illegal betting' after the images surfaced, remains in the spotlight. HE DESCRIBED HIS CURRENT SITUATION IN TEARSKerimcan Durmaz, who has been in prison for days, was visited by his close friend Samet Liçina, who stated that he went to Marmara Prison to see Durmaz but was not allowed to visit. Liçina mentioned that Durmaz's family had met with him and described the current situation of the 30-year-old influencer in tears. Liçina said, "We believe and know that our friend is innocent. We expect the right decision to be implemented as soon as possible. There is no problem with his health. He said he was cold, and we were all very sad. He has great love for all his fans." HIS SISTER PUBLISHED A MESSAGEOn the other hand, Kerimcan Durmaz's sister Neşe Fişek published a message from her brother. The message shared by Fişek on social media is as follows: "To my loved ones, I am grateful to all of you for your love and support during this difficult process. I am well and continue to stay strong. I firmly believe that justice will prevail sooner or later. Your prayers, beautiful wishes, and heartfelt messages give me strength. Thanks to this love and support, I stand tall. Knowing that you are by my side makes it easier for me to get through this process. Please keep your spirits high. Your love and faith are my greatest motivation. We will get through this process together. I love you all very much and believe that we will meet again soon."