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The 'super fruit' aronia has started to be harvested.

The 'super fruit' aronia has started to be harvested.

10.09.2024 14:20

The harvest season of aronia fruit, which is grown as an alternative product in Mersin and known as the 'super fruit', has begun. While the kilogram of aronia is sold for 250 TL in the garden, this fruit offers 4 times higher antioxidant value compared to other fruits.

The harvest season of aronia, known as the 'super fruit' in Mersin, has begun. Approximately 800 kilograms of yield was obtained from the aronia grown on a 7-acre land in Yüksekoluk Neighborhood, which is connected to the Toroslar district. The price per kilogram of aronia is 250 TL in the garden.

Harvest of 'super fruit' aronia has started in Mersin

The 'aronia' fruit, which started to be produced 3 years ago in Yüksekoluk Neighborhood, connected to the Toroslar district, has started to be harvested. Approximately 800 kilograms of yield was obtained from the aronia planted on a 7-acre land, and it is sold for 250 TL per kilogram in the garden. Tuğba Hayırlıoğlu (40), who works as an accounting manager at a crane rental company in Mersin, is also experiencing the joy of harvesting her products.


Hayırlıoğlu, who planted aronia fruit on her 7-acre land upon the recommendation of a friend, said, "I planted aronia fruit on the entire 7-acre land that I inherited from my father. We have completed two years and we are entering our third year. We have harvested our crop, the product is very good, there is no problem. It has a very different taste, it resembles quince a bit, it has a different aroma. Aronia is used in different sectors, it has many benefits. Its antioxidant value is 4 times higher than other fruits. It is used in the pharmaceutical industry. It can stay in the refrigerator under suitable conditions for 4 months."

Harvest of 'super fruit' aronia has started in Mersin


Hayırlıoğlu also stated that aronia is not well known enough. "It is grown a lot in Poland. They export it to the world, especially to pharmaceutical companies. But almost no one knows about it in our country and in Mersin. If the market problem is solved, it is a high-yielding fruit for the producer," she said.

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