The Mayor of Esenyurt, Ahmet Özer, was detained and arrested in the recent terrorism investigation. A trustee was appointed in place of Özer, and news of new trustees has emerged. Trustees were appointed to the municipalities of Mardin, Batman, and Şanlıurfa Halfeti, and the mayors were dismissed from their duties. CHAOS IN ESENYURTProtests were held in many cities, including Istanbul, Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Batman, and Mardin, due to the trustee decisions. One of the main points of the protests was Esenyurt. A large group, mostly consisting of DEM Party members, gathered in Esenyurt and took to the streets. THEY SET FIRE TO TRASH CONTAINERSSupporters of the terrorist organization used the trustee appointments as an excuse to turn the streets of Esenyurt into a battlefield. The protesters, who overturned and set fire to trash containers, chanted slogans for Kurdistan. POLICE DID NOT ALLOW TERROR PROPAGANDAThe police intervened with the group, not allowing any terrorist propaganda. While clashes occurred between the protesters and the police at times, it was reported that some individuals were detained.