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Swan emoji medication game! Investigation about doctors who own half of the profit.

Swan emoji medication game! Investigation about doctors who own half of the profit.

27.06.2024 18:34

Administrative and judicial investigations have been initiated against 4 orthopedic doctors working at İzzet Baysal State Hospital and İzzet Baysal Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital in Bolu, on the allegation that they requested half of the earnings from the pharmaceutical representative for each coupon of medication they prescribed to patients by sending a swan emoji through WhatsApp. Bolu Governorate has requested an inspector from the Ministry of Health for a more detailed investigation of the incident.

Four doctors are being investigated on allegations that they receive half of the earnings by collaborating with pharmaceutical representatives at two state hospitals in Bolu. Whether the doctors will be suspended or not will be determined during the investigation process, in which they send a swan emoji for each medication they write through WhatsApp and receive half of the medication cost from T.Ş., a 42-year-old pharmaceutical representative working in Bolu, filed a complaint with the Ministry of Health Communication Center (SABİM) on June 5, stating that orthopedic doctors working at Bolu İzzet Baysal State Hospital and İzzet Baysal Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital write the medications released by the pharmaceutical company on patients' prescriptions and receive half of the medication cost from him for each medication.

Investigation into doctors who share half of the earnings with swan emoji medication game


Following the complaint, an administrative investigation was launched against orthopedic doctor U.G. working at İzzet Baysal Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital, and orthopedic doctors H.K., R.Ö., and M.T. working at İzzet Baysal State Hospital.

Investigation into doctors who share half of the earnings with swan emoji medication game


During the investigation, pharmaceutical representative T.Ş. stated in his testimony that within the scope of the investigation initiated by the Provincial Health Directorate, he was giving 50% of the money received to the parties by meeting with the orthopedic specialists once or ten times a week. U.G., the specialist doctor, was collecting Hyaluronic Acid vouchers, and he was giving the vouchers to me on the days he met with me. I was also giving him 50% of the vouchers in return. U.G. is still continuing the process of receiving money," he said.

Investigation into doctors who share half of the earnings with swan emoji medication game


In PRP procedures, the patient was directly calling me. The nurse was taking the blood and giving it to me. I was completing the preparation of PRP and informing the doctor. The doctor was coming and applying the PRP procedure to the patient. After the procedure was completed, the patient was sending the money to me either in cash or through an IBAN number before leaving the hospital. Again, I was giving 50% of the money to the doctor in person. Instead of collecting vouchers for about 2-3 years, they were sending me messages on WhatsApp. R.Ö. was sending a swan emoji," he said.


After the incident came to light, in addition to the administrative investigation conducted by the Provincial Health Directorate, a criminal investigation was also initiated. Bolu Governorate requested an inspector from the Ministry of Health for a more detailed examination of the investigation. It was learned that whether the doctors will continue their duties or not will be determined according to the investigation process.

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