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Sweden, Iran Agree On Prisoner Swap Deal Via Omani Mediation

15.06.2024 16:42

Prisoners transferred to Muscat in preparation for their return to their countries, according to Omani News Agency.

The Sultanate of Oman announced on Saturday that it has facilitated the completion of a prisoner exchange agreement between Sweden and Iran, noting that the released detainees would be transferred to Muscat.

The Oman News Agency reported that the deal came in response to "the request of the Iranian and Swedish governments to help settle the issue of citizens detained in the two countries," noting that "the Omani efforts resulted in an agreement between the two sides on the mutual release."

"Those released were transferred from Tehran and Stockholm to Muscat today, 15 June 2024, for their repatriation," it added.

"The Sultanate of Oman values the positive spirit that prevailed in the talks held in Muscat between the Iranian and Swedish sides," the news agency said.

Oman is renowned for its mediation in regional, international, and humanitarian crises.

It has previously facilitated negotiations between the parties to the nuclear agreement involving major powers and Iran, and arranged for a Houthi delegation to visit Riyadh, among other initiatives.

Writing by Ikram Kouachi. -

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