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Terrifying incident at the children's park! Those who saw the person lying in a pool of blood immediately grabbed their phones.

Terrifying incident at the children's park! Those who saw the person lying in a pool of blood immediately grabbed their phones.

28.06.2024 11:50

People who saw a person lying motionless in a pool of blood in a children's park in Antalya reported the situation to the 112 Emergency Call Center. Upon the notification, the teams that arrived at the scene determined that the person stabbed in the chest had died. Statements were taken from 6 people regarding the incident.

A person was found dead in a children's park in Antalya, stabbed in the chest. While 6 people were taken to the police station for questioning, the police evaluated numerous alcohol bottles found in the park as evidence.

Shocking incident in a children's park in Antalya


In the late hours of the night, people who saw a person lying motionless in a pool of blood in a park on 75th Street in Kızılsaray neighborhood of Muratpaşa district reported the situation to the 112 Emergency Call Center. After the report, the police and medical teams were dispatched to the scene. The medical teams that arrived at the specified address determined that the person, identified as Süleyman C. (51), who had a knife wound on his chest and whose ID belonged to him, had died.

Shocking incident in a children's park in Antalya


The police initiated an investigation into the incident, which they considered a murder. The police took 6 individuals, whom they deemed to have a connection to the incident and whose information they wanted to obtain, to the police station for questioning.

Shocking incident in a children's park in Antalya


The Crime Scene Investigation teams, who continued their examinations in the area, put numerous alcohol bottles found scattered on the ground and on a bench into an evidence bag. After the examination by the teams, the lifeless body of the deceased was taken to the Antalya Forensic Medicine Institute Morgue for autopsy. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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