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The 22-year age difference had drawn reactions... Bülent Şakrak mocked the criticisms.

The 22-year age difference had drawn reactions... Bülent Şakrak mocked the criticisms.

02.01.2025 17:50

Bülent Şakrak, who ended his 8-year marriage to Ceyda Düvenci in a single hearing last year, attracted attention with his romance with his 22-year-younger colleague Burcu Kirman. Shakrak took the criticism in stride and made light of it.


Bülent Şakrak and Ceyda Düvenci ended their 8-year marriage in a single session on July 10, 2023. The famous couple's divorce surprised their fans.

Shakrak's new romance with Esra Akpınar, whom he met in the series Maviye Sürgün, brought to mind allegations of infidelity. The famous names, who experienced a passionate love, separated last summer.


The successful actor has now started a relationship with his 22-year-younger colleague Burcu Kirman. The famous actor shared a photo with his girlfriend, writing, "We entered 2025, may God increase it, may the one who sets the table be lifted."

The 22-year age difference drew reactions... Bülent Şakrak mocked the criticisms

The age difference between the couple drew reactions from social media users.

Mocking the negative criticisms about his relationship, Bülent Şakrak shared a sketch from the series "Gibi" and tagged his girlfriend, leaving a note saying, "A person knows what they are experiencing, right?"

Burcu Kirman also replied to Shakrak, saying, "I also think I'm 25."

The 22-year age difference drew reactions... Bülent Şakrak mocked the criticisms

In the shared scene, Yılmaz asks İlkkan, "Aren't you 28 years old? We know you as 28," to which İlkkan replies, "I thought I was 28 too." Yılmaz responds, "Are you 39? Didn't you understand at all? A person knows what they are experiencing?"

The 22-year age difference drew reactions... Bülent Şakrak mocked the criticisms

The 22-year age difference drew reactions... Bülent Şakrak mocked the criticisms


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