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The attacker who killed the deputy manager in Kocaeli has been captured.

The attacker who killed the deputy manager in Kocaeli has been captured.

27.06.2024 20:10

The suspect who shot and killed Mahir Çoğaç, the deputy principal of a high school in Çayırova, Kocaeli, was captured in Istanbul while driving in traffic. Along with the alleged attacker, who is claimed to be 17 years old, one other suspect who assisted him was also detained by the police.

The assailant who shot and killed Mahir Çoğaç, the Deputy Principal of Fevzi Çakmak Anatolian High School in Çayırova, Kocaeli, while driving in traffic, has been captured.


The suspect who shot Çoğaç and another person who helped him were apprehended in Dudullu, a district of Istanbul's Ümraniye, in an operation carried out by the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Public Security Branch Directorate.

The two suspects were taken to the Kocaeli Police Department for processing. The investigation is ongoing to determine the motive behind the murder.


Mahir Çoğaç, the Deputy Principal of Çayırova, was shot in the head and killed while driving in traffic this morning. The assailant is alleged to be 17 years old, and security camera footage related to the incident has also emerged. The footage shows the assailant waiting near Çoğaç's house one hour before the incident.

Assailant who killed the deputy principal in Kocaeli has been captured


Police officers, who initiated efforts to apprehend the assailant after the incident, captured and detained the suspect. The officers took the assailant to the police station to obtain his statement.

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